Friday, February 21, 2014

Nephi Hutchins (3rd Great-Grandfather)

Nephi Hutchins

Feb 18, 1847-July 19, 1906

The following information is from John Wayne Hutchins: Nephi Hutchins and Francis Aleno Harp were married and had a son James Lee Hutchins. When James was just a toddler, Nephi his father and a couple of men went to Illinois and stole a team of horses and landed up in jail. Nephi 2nd married his sister-in-law Melvina Harp after his former wife Francis ran off with her step father [HATE] and not knowing where she went. Nephi and Melvina Harp had thirteen children. Altogether Nephi sired fourteen children; seven sons and seven daughters Nephi was a natural born clown; one time he put on an exhibition in Sanford, Colorado on the 4th. of July. He climbed up a twenty foot pole and stood on his head. Nephi was the only one of his fathers house that joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. When Nephi was about to die he was setting in his favorite rocking chair and said; " I can hear heavenly singing and voices." He asked his wife for a glass of water. She went to get it for him and when she returned she found him dead setting there in his chair.

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